Our Goals
(a) The philosophy of the University, as an institution of higher education, training, research and science, is based on its belief in its mission and awareness of its role in human building, the development of society, and the contribution to the progress of society.
(B) In the light of its philosophy, the University is working to achieve the following objectives:
1- Providing opportunities for higher education and training in various fields of knowledge, science and technology.
2- Contribute to the development of the student’s personality and personal skills and guide him positively to serve the community.
3- Closer cooperation with local, international, scientific institutions and scientific research centers.
4- Providing continuing education services and field guidance in various theoretical and applied fields in order to serve and develop the community.
5- Keeping pace with recent developments, in the fields of knowledge, science and modern technology, and on the experiences of other nations in organizing their societies and in harnessing science, technology, human and natural resources, for the benefit of their peoples.
6- Contribute to the conduct of basic and applied scientific research oriented to the service of the community.
Improving the quality and quality of higher education.